Track Owners Association, Inc.

Track Owners Association, Inc.
August 16-19, 2001
Airport Marriott - Nashville, Tenn.


A. Any member in good standing with TOA* can nominate any other member in good standing as they see fit, including themselves.

* In "good standing" means:
1. Must also currently be a track owner with the raceway open and running, or;
2. A manufacturer currently doing business making items pertinent to the
    commercial slot car industry, or;
3. A distributor currently doing business with manufacturers and track owners,
     selling only to track owners, or;
4. A publication owner/representative with a monthly magazine providing
    media coverage of commercial slot car racing, or;
5. Value added slot car business services (i.e., body painter) with distributor
    agreements already in place.

B. Resume should include information about the applicant with regard to:
Formal education, small business operation experience in general, and slot car industry experience in particular.  For example, "Graduated from ____ with a degree in ____ and have been a commercial raceway operator for ____ years".

The applicant should be willing to accept that position for which they feel most confident and qualified.

C. Nominee must be present at the annual TOA convention.

D. Resume should be sent to the nominating committee chairperson and he/she (chairperson) will make sure all other committee members receive a copy of each resume submitted.

E. Please feel free to call, write, or email any person on the nominating committee for additional information.

The nominating committee will consider any TOA member who has submitted a resume and their qualifications discussed at the first meeting of the Board of Directors at the site prior to the opening of the convention.

Those whom the Board feels most qualified will be asked to give a brief talk to the membership at the convention.  Additional nominations will be asked for from the floor at the general meeting and may be placed in nomination as well. Those accepting the nomination will be voted into office by a simple plurality of the membership.

TOA Officer positions to be filled for 2001-2002 include: Treasurer and one general board member.

Thank you very much for your continued active participation in the success of the Track Owners Association, Inc.

Mrs. Joyce Buttner
TOA Vice President
*T*R*A*C*K*S* Hobbies
2326 West Higgins Road
Hoffman Estates, IL 60195
Phone: (847) 519-0307
Fax: (837) 519-1317

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